President Obama Chef Drowns In Martha’s Vineyard After Admitting He Can’t Swim

Tafari Campbell, Barack Obama’s chef, tragically drowned in a paddleboarding accident near the Obama’s $12 million Martha’s Vineyard home. The incident occurred despite Campbell admitting in a social media post a few years ago that he still can’t swim.

Tafari Campbell initially joined the White House as a sous chef during the George W. Bush administration. He was one of the four chefs who were asked to continue serving under Obama’s administration.

During Barack Obama’s presidency, Campbell gained recognition for brewing White House Honey Ale beer, using honey from Michelle Obama’s South Lawn garden. Historian Adrian Miller highlighted Campbell’s contribution in his book, “The President’s Kitchen Cabinet: The Story of the African Americans Who Have Fed Our First Families, from the Washingtons to the Obamas,” connecting it to the historical brewing tradition of African Americans for Washington and Jefferson.

After leaving the White House, the Obamas hired Tafari Campbell as their personal chef and occasionally allowed him to use their Martha’s Vineyard mansion. Campbell’s tragic accident occurred while the couple was not present.

An eyewitness reported that Tafari Campbell went underwater and resurfaced briefly, struggling to stay afloat before going under again. The witness, who was paddle boarding with Campbell on Edgartown Great Pond, immediately called 911. Despite efforts to rescue him, Campbell’s body was found the next day approximately 100 feet away from the shore in eight-foot-deep waters.

Chief Alex Schaeffer of the Edgartown Fire Department stated that extensive searching was conducted by island police and firefighters after the incident was reported. Campbell’s paddleboard and hat were recovered, providing initial clues to his whereabouts.


1. Who was Tafari Campbell?

Tafari Campbell was the personal chef of former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. He was known for his contributions as a White House chef, including brewing White House Honey Ale beer.

2. How did Tafari Campbell drown?

Tafari Campbell drowned in a paddleboarding accident near the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard home. Witnesses reported that he went underwater and resurfaced briefly before struggling to stay afloat and submerging again.

3. Did Tafari Campbell know how to swim?

In a social media post, Tafari Campbell admitted that he still couldn’t swim.

4. What was Tafari Campbell’s role during the Obama presidency?

Tafari Campbell served as one of the four chefs in the White House during the Obama presidency. He was known for brewing White House Honey Ale beer and using honey from Michelle Obama’s South Lawn garden.


The untimely drowning of Tafari Campbell, the personal chef of former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, has shocked many. Despite his admission of not being able to swim, Campbell tragically lost his life in a paddleboarding accident near the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard home. His contributions as a White House chef, including brewing the famous White House Honey Ale beer, will always be remembered. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his friends and family during this difficult time.

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